
Five Helpdesk Knowledge Base Enhancements You Need to Implement Now

How important is the helpdesk knowledge base software a company uses? We’ve all had the best of the best and the worst of the worst when it comes to customer service. From these experiences, we can see anecdotally how those experiences made us feel about the various companies responsible. And while the last thing any customer cares about is the software being used on the other end of a support call, that software likely played a role in our level of satisfaction.

Good customer service is vital to creating and retaining a loyal customer base. A recent survey reveals 67% of customers are happy to pay more for a product or service if it means better customer service.

Your helpdesk knowledge base is very often the heart of your organization’s customer service. In times of trouble or confusion, the helpdesk is your customer’s first port of call. This means your helpdesk is on the front line of creating and retaining customers every day.

The problem, though, is that your helpdesk agents have to sift through a lot of information to help customers find answers to their questions. With your current helpdesk software such as Salesforce or Freshdesk, chances are that the information you need is there, but is not easy to access, use or find answers quickly. The result? Long wait times and customers who aren’t at all happy with the customer service they’re being provided.

In this article, we will show you how proper heldesk software can boost your helpdesk team and increase customer satisfaction.

What Should Organizations Look for in Helpdesk Knowledge Base Software?

Boosting your helpdesk team doesn’t mean rebuilding your entire knowledge base from the ground up. Most organizations already have huge reserves of valuable product information. The issue is rarely a lack of product information. The issues usually involve organizing that information to make it more searchable and accessible.

The smart approach involves add-ons designed to transform the way resources interact with existing helpdesk information.

A good helpdesk software enhancements should help an organization do the following:

1. Get the Most Out of Your Current Resources

Chances are you have plenty of resources with all the information your agents need. The only issue is that your current helpdesk system doesn’t make finding these solutions quick and easy. The ideal software turns your current resources into a coherent knowledge base, and its unique natural language processes can take all existing files – from PDFs to articles to videos – and create intelligent, searchable resources.

2. Improve First Call Response and Resolution Time

First call resolution time (FCR) is one of the most important metrics in the helpdesk industry. Good software cuts that time, reviewing your entire helpdesk knowledge base and delivering intelligent suggestions directly through its interface.

3. Improve Time Spent on Call, Customer Wait Time and Ticket Solved Rate

Time is the key to good customer service at any helpdesk. Long waits give rise to frustration as agents scan resources for answers. The ideal solution delivers the best answers fast without agents needing in-depth product knowledge.

4. Provide Real-Time Suggestions

When a customer submits a new helpdesk, the system should immediately begin scanning the ticket request language, then provide intelligent suggestions in real time. Ideally, it will also link the team member to a precise location in the relevant reference material.

5. Offer Fast, Easy Helpdesk Knowledge Base Integration

Remember: you’re not looking for a complete overhaul of the program you currently use. What you want, instead, is something that works with your current helpdesk experience or as a private web-accessible knowledge base. It should offer easy integration with systems like Salesforce and Freshdesk. This integration will speed up adoption for your team, offering the same workflow with enhanced capabilities.

The best helpdesk knowledge base enhancements should connect seamlessly to your current solution. Look for options that use a Chrome extension, and accesses your current articles in a way that makes them fully (and quickly) searchable.

For more information on the best ways to improve your current helpdesk, talk to one of our consultants.

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